Today, I’m Thankful; A Letter to My Partners

It’s been 3.5 years since we took the leap and became entrepreneurs. Has it been everything I imagined it would be? Yes and no, and so much more. It’s been amazing to build something from the ground up with two awesome business partners, but we have big dreams and we’re still climbing…sometimes a bit slower than we would like. But no matter what happens in a day’s time, at the end of it, when I close my eyes at night, I am so very thankful to be on this journey and for the people that I’m sharing it with.

Sometimes all I want to do is cry….straight-up sob.

This morning I dropped my 2 year old off at preschool. When we decided to enroll her in the program it was purely a decision intended to give her a positive social experience. We are fortunate enough to have family available for childcare, so the “need” component was off the table. It was simply a choice we were making as parents to provide an opportunity for her to build confidence and independence, with the thought that there might be some educational benefits sprinkled in.